Glossary of Astrology E
Zodiacal signs related with Earth element. These are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
EASARAPH Also known as Musarifa. A term used in Horary Astrology. It refers to a planetary combination involving two swift moving planets in which the fast moving one has overtaken the slow moving one. If the forward planet is a benefic, final success, or fruition of the action is likely a malefic overtaking. A benefic will frustrate the efforts of the individual. If both the planets are malefic, the result will be inauspicious.
ECLIPSES The obscuration of the light of Sun by the intervention of Moon in between it and Earth is known as Solar Eclipse. Two solar eclipses must be visible every year in some part of the earth, the maximum number of it may go up to five. For a solar eclipse to occur, the New Moon must be very close to a node of Moon. Total solar eclipse occurs when the surface of Sun is completely obscured by Moon, but it is not very common. The track of total eclipse never exceeds 268.7 km in width, and the never lasts more than 8 minutes. The obscuration of the light of Moon by the intervention of Earth in between it and Sun is known as Lunar Eclipse. Under its impact Moon becomes dim until it passes out of the shadow. Moon does not completely vanish, as the shadow of Earth does not completely preclude Sun's light from falling on it, due to the refraction of Sun's rays on it by Earth's atmospheric mantle. A lunar eclipse can be total or partial. Its duration can be no longer than 3 hours 40 minutes, the totality occurring only for 1 hour 40 minutes. The significance of eclipses is great in mundane astrology. The Tantrics and black magicians make special preparations during such eclipses for fulfilling their special occult objectives and for the preparations of their special charms.
ECLIPTIC The Great Circle formed by the intersection of the plane of Earth's orbit around Sun. It is the apparent path of Sun in the sky during the course of a year, In the geocentric system, which is generally adopted in all astronomical (and astrological) studies, this path is inclined to the Celestial Equator at an angle of 230 27. The inclination changes imperceptibly and is related to a cycle of 26,000 years. This variation, which is in between 210 59' and 240 36' is known as the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. All planets, constellations of the zodiac, and asterisms move, more or less, within a region of 80 on both sides of the solar trajectory making the total width of approximately 160 around the ecliptic for their annual movement. The ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect at two points, viz., points of spring, or vernal, and autumnal equinoxes. These points are relevant for determining the precession of equinoxes on the basis of which the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs is worked out.
EGO Self; the unified triad comprising Atma Buddhi Manas, or the duad formed by Atma Buddhi. The immortal part of man which reincarnates as man-I am I, or the feeling of I am ship. Esoteric philosophy teaches the existence of two Egos in man, the mortal, or the physical, and the Higher, or the Divine and Impersonal, calling the former 'personality' and the latter 'individuality'.
EKAWALI YOGA The planetary combination in which all planets occupy different houses in a sequential manner. It makes the individual an emperor.
ELEMENTS See Tattwas.
The difference between true and mean time at any given moment. This difference arises due to Sun not always crossing the Meridian at 12 o' clock by watch. The time by watch is regulated by mean solar time, which is constant in length, and is equal to the annual mean of the true solar days. In working out a natal chart for predictive purpose, the true position of the planets is taken into account. It needs readjustment of the mean time on the basis of the equation of time to arrive at the true time. The ephemeris generally indicates the different true and mean midday times, which determine the equation of time. True solar time is worked out on the basis of this equation.
Sampat Bindu (sk); the points of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. Each point refers to the Sun's crossing of the celestial equator, and is known as Equinox. On this day, night and day are equal all over the world. One of these is known as the Vernal Equinox, which occurs around 21 March every year, and the other as Autumnal Equinox, which occurs around 21 September. Astrologically, Sun's rays acquire a positive impulse after vernal equinox and auspicious activities can be fruitfully initiated and beneficial results expected.
Glossary of Astrology F
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are feminine signs. Feminine asterisms are Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Aridra, Punarvasu, Purva Phaiguni, Hastha, Chittra, Vishakha, Anuradha, Dhanistha, Shatbhisag, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati. Feminine signs and asterisms are related with the material aspect of life as distinguished from the spiritual aspect of it. Among the planets, Moon, Venus, and Ketu are considered feminine; Mercury and Saturn are neutrals (or eunuchs). Feminine planets need active support of other planets to produce their inherent results. Feminine signs and asterisms as well as planets have their masculine counterparts, in whose association they prosper easily and harmoniously
FIERY SIGNS Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fiery signs. Sun and Mars are fiery planets. They show courage, strength, determination, aggression and confidence in oneself.
FIXED SIGNS Sthira Rasi (sk). Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are fixed signs. These signs radiate deep acting impulses when planets are posited there, they make decisive impact on the life of the individual.
FIXED STARS Nakshatras (sk).
FOHAT A Tibetan term representing in the universe of manifestation the ever present electrical energy and nonstop destructive and formative power. It is analogous to the Vedic concept of Agni, fire. Agni, in the Vedas, is always represented in the double aspect of force and light. It is the divine power that builds up the worlds; it is a power that acts always with perfect knowledge; it knows all forms and activities of divine wisdom. Similarly, Fohat is said to be the universal propelling vital force, at once the propeller and the resultant. Often it is said to be equivalent to the Vedic Mool Prakriti, the primeval root for all cosmic manifestation. Theosophists use Fohat to represent the active male potency of Shakti (q.v.), the female reproductive power in nature. The energy expressed by Fohat becomes important in interpreting the deeper aspects of solar impulse.
FORTUNA, PARS A term (probably) of Arabian origin. It was known even to Ptolemy. It is an imaginary point in heaven yet considered sometimes powerful as the luminaries. Pars Fortuna is worked out by adding together the longitudes of Ascendant and the Moon, and subtracting from the total the longitude of Sun. The resultant is the longitude of Pars Fortuna. This concept itself may not be available in ancient Indian astrological texts, but the essential features of it were known to the astrologers. The identity of Pars Fortuna, in terms of Vedic astrology, can be established as follows: Paras Fortuna =A+M-S=F where A is the Ascendant, M is the longitude of Moon, S, the longitude of Sun, and where F is the longitude of Pars Fortuna. The equation can also be written as F=A+T because T = M - S, where T stands for Tithi, or a lunar day. In this way, Pars Fortuna becomes a point in the horoscope as distant from the ascendant as the Sun is from Moon, measured from the ascendant. Traditional Hindu astrology regards Moon as important as the ascendant. Tithi is assigned a functional role as a magnetic point well established in traditional Vedic astrology. Pars Fortuna, in airy signs, bestows fame through literary or artistic activities. In earthy signs, it makes the individual laborious: in Taurus, it makes him work on fine arts; in Virgo, as a chemist or a printer; and in Capricorns, in medical profession. In watery signs, Pars Fortuna gives birth to successful occultists; and in fiery signs, the individuals become leaders and pioneers in different spheres of life. The results of Pars Fortuna in different houses are as follows: 1st House: Desire for self-expression and recognition of one's merit. 2nd House: Desire for power and domination over others. 3rd House: The person becomes a thinker. 4th House: Pleasant domestic environment. 5th House: Enterprising and meritorious offspring. . 6th House: Impatience and lack of self-control. 7th House: Happy married life. 8th House: Strained financial fortune. 9th House: Spiritual temperament. 10th House: The individual attains high official status. 11th House: Helpful and supportive friends and social circle. 12th House: Depression and frustration in mundane activities. FRIENDSHIP, PLANETARY Planetary friendship is of three kinds, viz., inherent, temporary, and aggregative. The first one depends upon the basic qualities of the planets, the second on their mutual relationships in the horoscope, while the third depends upon the resulting relationships emerging from the first two kinds and determining their aggregative strength. Planets according to Sage Satyacharya, are inherently friendly with the lords of 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 12th signs from their Mulatrikona (q.v.) or Trine houses, besides the lords of their exaltation signs. Any planet occupying 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, or 11th houses from it becomes its temporary friends. If a planet is situated along with another in any house, or if there is a planet in the 5 th, 6 th, 7th, 8 th, or 9th houses from it, such planets are treated as its temporary enemies. Aggregative relationship is classified under five categories, viz., very friendly, friendly, neutral, inimical, and very inimical. If two planets are friendly according to both the methods of classification, they are considered to be very friendly. If under one classification a planet is friendly with another but in the next becomes neutral, the two will be treated as only friendly. If according to one they are friendly, but inimical according to the other, they will be treated as neutrals. In case two planets are neutral according to one classification whereas under the next set of conditions they become enemies, they will be reckoned as enemies. If under both sets of conditions, two planets are neutral according to one classification whereas under the next set of conditions they become enemies, they will be reckoned as enemies. If under both sets of conditions, two planets are found to be unfriendly, they will be treated as very inimical. The, following table shows the generally accepted inherent or natural interplanetary relationships of friendship. Table 4: Inherent Friendship between Planets Planets Friends Neutrals Enemies SunMoon, Mars JupiterMercury Saturn, Venus Moon Sun, MercuryMars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn--- MercurySun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, SaturnMoon VenusMercury; SaturnMars, JupiterSun, Moon Mars Sun, Moon, JupiterVenus, SaturnMercury JupiterMoon, Mars, SunSaturn Mercury SaturnMercury, Venus JupiterSun, Moon, Mars
N.B. The friendly relations of Rahu and Ketu are not included in the table. Some texts mention Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn to be their friends.
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