Glossary of Astrology D
DHANISHTHA The 23rd asterism extending from 2930 20' to 3060 40' of the zodiac. It is ruled by Mars and its presiding deities are the eight Vasus (q.v.). Its primary attribute is Sattwa. It is classified as a farmer by class, lion by species, aquatic by animal type, and demonic in temperament. It is associated with the eastern direction. It bestows occult attainments on those who are on the spiritual path, while for the men of the world, it leads to deprivation of material conveniences with a view to pushing them towards their egoic destiny.
DHANU Bow. The ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius. It extends from 2400 to 2700 of the ecliptic. It is symbolized by a centaur, a mythical horse like creature with a human torso which holds a bow with an arrow on it pointing towards the sky. Sagittarius is the mysterious center of radiation for cosmic evolution with stored latent energy which is released gradually as and when humanity is prepared to absorb the same. This impulse entails much hardship inherent in the process but the corresponding spiritual advancement is also commensurate with the difficulties confronted. In Hindu scriptures, Arjuna, the hero of the Mahabharata, who is also known as Dhanvi, meaning one who holds the bow and the arrow, represents this phase of inner enfoldment. Dhanu, as a zodiacal sign is characterized as a male indicating its quality of taking positive action. It is considered a common sign (Dwiswabhava) which indicates its capability for dynamicism as well as remaining perfectly still, passive. It is fiery in element, fierce in temperament, and strong during the day. Its favorite haunts are mountainous regions. Jupiter rules over it. It provides spiritual impulse for radical transformation. The sign produces a radical transformation in one's life, marked change in temperament, cataclysmic situation in one's pattern of living, and much widening of social relationships. The future of Sagittarius ascendants lies not in enjoyment of worldly pleasures but in discharging personal, household, and social obligations. Although they struggle throughout their life, they receive unexpected support as well. A part of their life is bright, the other very dark. The chief stimulus in their life comes from their Atman, the very core of their being represented by the Sun which is, however, still very far away.
DHARMA Moral code; religious rites; righteousness; that which holds together and protects from dissolution; one of the four major motivating impulses for living beings, the other three being Kama (desire), Artha (gains), and Moksha (liberation). The eldest of the Pandavas, Yudhishtra, the hero of the Mahabharata, as well as Yamaraja, the god of death, are also called Dharma. It is also the name of an ancient sage, sometimes classed among the Prajapatis, who married ten (according to some authorities, thirteen) daughters of Daksha and had numerous children. Wilson has stated that these children were manifestly allegorical, being personifications of intelligence, virtues, and religious rites.
DHARMARAJA Yama, the king of the dead. It is also a title of Yudhishtra, the eldest of the Pandavas (he is mythically stated to be a son of Yama). The two are also known as (merely) Dharina, to suggest them to be the embodiments of righteousness.
DHARMAYOGA A planetary combination constituted by the occupancy of Jupiter and Venus along with the lord of the 2nd in the 9th house. It makes the person very pious, fond of warfare, chivalrous, and the commander of an army. He also becomes rich and charitable.
DHATA Tenth in the cycle of 60 Samvatsara (q.v.). It is ruled by Brahma. The individual born during this year becomes rich, materialistic, libidinous, interested in cattle breeding and wealth. He is often religious as well.
DHRISHTA KETU Names of certain Puranic kings, such as (i) a son of Dhrishta Dyumna, (ii) a son of Shishupala, king of Chedi, and an ally of the Pandavas, (iii) a king of Kekayas, also an ally of the Pandavas, (iv) a son of Satyadhriti, and (v) a son of Nriga. The name has no relationship with Ketu, the southern node of Moon.
DHRUVA Fixed; immovable; the pole star; the pole of any great circle; the stem of a tree. It refers to the axis on which the Earth rotates. It represents the North Pole, and is the centre of cosmic centripetal energy making the South Pole the centre of centrifugal force. In ancient mythology, Dhruva was described as an asura (q.v.). According to Vishnu Purana, the sons of Manu Swayambhuva were Priyavrata and Uttanpada. The latter had two wives; the favourite Suruchi was proud and haughty, and the second, Suniti, was humble and gentle. Suruchi had a son named Uttama, and Suniti gave birth to Dhruva. While quite a child, Dhruva was contemptuously treated by Suruchi, and she told him that her own son Uttama alone would succeed to the throne. Dhruva and his mother submitted, and he declared that he wished no other honors than such as his own actions should acquire. He was a kshatriya, traditionally engaged in selfless, creative activities intended for protecting the social order, both from internal disorder and external aggression. Aroused by his inner impulse he left the royal palace, met the Saptarishis, and learnt from them spiritual austerities. On being pleased with his penance, Vishnu touched Dhruva's forehead with his conch shell, a symbol of cyclical cosmic evolution and fixed him as the Pole Star. He has the patronymic Authanpada, and he is also called Grahadhara, meaning the stay, or the pivot, of the planets. The mystic significance of the Pole Star is described to some extent by H.P. Blavatsky. She stated that the seven Prajapatis (q.v.), charged with the task of evolving various root races are intimately linked with the Pole Star. The centenary impulses of the cosmic spark which produce various phenomena through cosmic forces arise from this central seat of inner spiritual power. She highlighted the Seven Regents who enclose within their circle the world of senses, and represented as the seven planets, the seven invisible spirits, the seven seers, and other centenary influences, all related with Dhruva. She emphasized that the visible Sun, Moon, planets, and stars derive their power not from the eternal sustainer of their luminous life which exists as it were behind all these phenomena but in their case strongly tethered to the central fountainhead, Dhruva, the Pole Star. The Vishnu Purana mentions that there are certain special radiations related with Dhruva. The four stars, viz., Agni, Mahendra, Kashyapa, and Dhruva, placed in the tail of Shishupala, the Ursa Minor, produce extraordinary results when viewed in a certain way. The sight at night of the Pole Star and of the Shishupala constellation is said to expatiate all sins committed during the day. According to a Puranic story, Vishnu was so pleased with Dhruva that having placed him in the sky, he blessed him as follows: O Dhruva! I bestow to you that tenacious status which transcends those of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, all asterisms, the Seven Regents, and all the gods wandering in the sky. Many of the gods exist for four yugas (q.v.), some for a Manvantara (q.v.) but to you I give the position for a Kalpa (q.v).* *[N.B. A Kalpa is equal to 1,000 Mahayugas, lasting for 4,320 million human years, which represent one day of Brahma.]
DHUMA Smoke; a meteor. A concealed planet whose position is worked out by adding four zodiacal signs (i.e., 4 X 300) and one asterism (i.e., 130 200) to the longitude of Natal Sun. Dhuma is a powerful but inauspicious malefic.
DIGBALA [Dig (direction) + Bala (strength, power)]. It refers to the strength of a planet acquired due to its location in a specific direction in a horoscope. It is worked out in several ways. According to one method, Jupiter and Mercury acquire full strength in the east (ascendant), Sun and Mars in the south (M.C., or the 10th house), Saturn in the west (descendant, or the 7th house), and Moon and Venus in the north (the 4th house). These positions bestow full scope to these planets to express their potential. They enjoy maximum directional strength in these places. Opposite to these directions, they obtain the minimal strength. According to another system, the Sun acquires maximum Dig Bala in the north (the 4th house) from Mars; Jupiter, in the west (the 7th house) from Mercury, or the east (the 1st house) in relation with Saturn, or the south in relation with Venus and Moon. There are some other variations in the above rule. Varahamihira gives Dig Bala to various Bhavas (q.v.). If the 7th (west or the descendant) Bhava is occupied by a reptile sign, i.e., Scorpio, its Dig Bala is full. A biped, e.g., Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius or Aquarius, gets their directional strength in full; in 1st house in relation to the ascendant. Watery signs such as Cancer and Pisces have their full Dig Bala in 4th or the north, and the quadrupeds, viz., Aries, Taurus, Leo, second half of, Sagittarius and the first half of Capricorn attain full Dig Bala in 10th or the south.
DIGNITIES Status of a planet. It is of two kinds, viz., Naisargika, the inherent, and Tatkalika, the accidental. Lordship of a sign, or exaltation of a planet bestows to it inherent dignity while its occupancy of a mundane house, such as the cardinal, trine, etc., provides it temporary dignity. Planets situated close to the cusp of 1st, 10th, and 7th houses are temporarily dignified. Houses congenial to the nature of a planet, e.g., 4th house for Moon, 3rd for Mercury, 5th for the Sun, and 9th for Jupiter add dignity to them.
DIKSHA Initiation. Spiritual teaching imparted directly by a (qualified) teacher at a special mystical ceremony, revealing secret laws of nature.
DIRECTION According to Directional astrology, the timing of events likely to occur at different ages of an individual is worked out in a particular manner which is denoted by this term. It indicates the planetary ruler ship during a particular period in one's life when the special effects of the planet can be experienced.
DIRECT MOTION The normal direction of planetary movement. It is especially important to note the time when a planet assumes this direction at the conclusion of its retrogression. The change in direction is significant for predictive purposes.
DISPOSITION The planet which executes the will of another planet is known as its depositor. The ruler of the sign in which a planet is placed becomes the executor of the results of the former. For example, if Mars is located in Aquarius, then Saturn, the lord of Aquarius, becomes the 'depositor' of Mars. It implies that the directional period of Saturn (that is, during the Dasa period of Saturn) this planet will (also) produce the results normally expected from Mars in Aquarius.
DITI Cutting; splitting; division. A goddess or personification in the Vedas who is associated with Aditi (q.v.), and seems to be the antithesis to her. Aurobindo states that Diti, also called Danu, means division, and the obstructing powers or Vritras are her children, Danus, Danavas, Daityas, while Adit is existence in its infinity and the mother of gods. Diti had two powerful sons, viz., Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashyapu. The former was killed by Vishnu in the form of a wild boar, and the latter in the form of half lion and half man. Having lost her children, the Vishnu Purana describes how Diti begged Kashyapa for a son of irresistible prowess able to destroy Indra; she insisted on the sage fertilising her womb at dusk even if the time was not auspicious. Kashyapa asked her to control her emotions and await a favourable time, but Did was insistent. Her imploration was acceded tobut with a condition. Diti was asked to follow the rules of purity and observe the austerities for a period of hundred years, during which duration she should hold the foetus. She assiduously observed the conditions. But Indra knew of the approaching danger, so he went to her and attended upon her in great humility, watching for any slip on her part so as to destroy the foetus. One night, Diti retired to bed without washing her feet. This was a transgression and it gave an opportunity to Indra to destroy his impending adversary. With his thunderbolt he divided the foetus in her womb into seven portions. Thus mutilated, the child cried bitterly, and Indra being unable to pacify it, became angry and divided each of the seven portions into seven, thus forming 49 swift moving deities called Marutas. (Maruta comes from Ma-roditi meaning 'weep not’ which Indra is, supposed to have told the crying children to quieten them). Diti's son Hiranyakashyapu had a daughter named Sinhika, who was married to Viprachiti. He was the chief of the Danavas. They gave birth to Rahu, the north node of Moon.
DREKKAN One-third division of a zodiacal sign, equal to 100 each. In each sign, the first division is ruled by the lord of the sign, the second by the lord of the 5th sign from it, and the last by the lord of the 9th from it. The three presiding deities of various dekkans are Narada, Agastya and Durvasa.
DRIG DASA A system of planetary ruler ship (cf. Dasa System). It is specially adopted in Jaimini Astrology (q.v.). It is related with aspects of the sign from which it derives its name. The aspects under this system are decided according to Jaimini tenets for the same and the ruler ship of the signs refers to the ruler ship of the planets owning the sign. Under it, the 9th house gets the initial ruler ship, followed by the sign expected by it. The 10th house sign gets the next turn, followed by the sign expected by it. Subsequent ruler ships continue this order of sequence. Whether the signs are cardinal, fixed or common, it is important in deciding the forward or reverse aspect. Cardinal signs have reverse aspects while fixed signs aspect ahead. Odd common signs, e.g., Gemini and Sagittarius, aspect forward, and even common signs, like Virgo and Pisces, have reverse aspects. With regard to duration, the lords of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo get 9 years each; Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio get 8 years each; while Aries, Cancer, and Libra get 7 years each.
DRIK BALA Strength derived from planetary aspects. These are feeble within 3000 (i.e., two houses behind it) to 300 (i.e., one house ahead of it). The maximum strength is obtained at 1800 (the 7th sign ahead of it). The general rule is slightly modified in relation with Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. The differences in drik bala is also due to the planets half and three quarter aspects. Drik bala is full at 1800 and is nil at the sign in which the planet is situated; it is 25 per cent at 600 ahead, 75 per cent at 900 ahead, after which it declines to 50 per cent at 1200 and becomes nil at 1500. Between 1500 and 1800, the drik bala, or the Aspect Strength, gradually increases to the maximum.
DRISHTI Aspect (q.v).
DURGA The invincible; inaccessible; the wife of Shiva; an epithet of Parvati. The name Durga is derived from a special manifestation of her which occurred to restore the balance disturbed by the ravages caused by the demon Durgam. She succeeded in the insuperable task of subduing him. Durga is represented as the fierce aspect of the adorable goddess Lakshmi. She is represented with 8 hands and occasionally with 16 heads, and rides a tiger, which is at times represented as a lion. She possesses much tantric power. Blavatsky mentions that Durga, also known as Kali, who personifies the dark side of Lakshmi (the Indian goddess representing Venus), is the white side of Shakti. She is the feminine counterpart of the cosmic creative power. Devi Purana describes her as the primeval and mayavic power of Vishnu. She is known by many names such as Narayani, Sarva Shakti Swarupini, etc. She is said to radiate stability, intelligence, and final result of an action, hunger, thirst, compassion, humility, satiety, nourishment, understanding, peace, sleep, stupor, forgiveness, delusion, and grace. Durga is propitiated to overcome the afflictions caused by Rahu (q.v). Sorcerers and magicians worship her for obtaining supernatural powers.
DURMATI The 55th year in the cycle of 60 Samvatsaras (q.v.). It is ruled by Rudra (q.v.). Birth during this year makes the person possess a perverted mind, impatient, greedy, and engaged in undesirable activities.
DURMUKH The 30th year in the cycle of 60 Samvatsaras (q.v.). It is ruled by Vishnu. Birth during this year makes the individual pious, peaceful, skillful, respected, and altruistic. He is, however, pursued by courtesans.
DUSTHANAM Inauspicious houses in a chart. These are primarily the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses which relate to litigation, death, and wasteful expenditure, respectively.
DURUDHARA YOGAS The name of planetary combinations constituted by planets situated on either side of Moon. They generally produce affluence such as wealth, comforts in life, and high social status. Sun and the nodes must not be involved in this combination. The specific planets which form this combination add their own special influence as well. If Moon is flanked by Mars and Mercury the combination makes the individual cruel, greedy, fond of old women, and a liar. Mars and Jupiter in the position make the individual renowned, clever, rich and a defender of others from adversaries. Venus and Mars make the individual fond of warfare, rigorous physical exertion, and courageous deeds, yet in personal life he will be sorrowful. He, however, will get a loving wife. With Saturn and Mars, the individual becomes an expert in sexual art, accumulates much money, indulges in a fast life, and is surrounded by enemies. The combination of Jupiter and Mercury bestows religiosity, knowledge of scriptures, all round affluence and renown. Mercury and Venus in the situation make the individual beautiful, attractive, affluent, courageous, and the recipient of high official status. Moon in between Saturn and Mercury enables the individual to travel to different countries in pursuit of wealth. Such persons are respected by unrelated distant persons while his own relatives treat him with disdain. Jupiter and Venus make the individual patient, intelligent, balanced, and ethical; he acquires jewels, renown, and good administrative position. When Venus and Saturn form the combination, they enable the individual to acquire an aged wife from a respectable family; they make the individual skilled in many trades, loved by women, and respected by government officials. Saturn and Jupiter flanking Moon create much difficulties in the personal life of the individual; he is often surrounded by scandals, difficulties, and litigation, though from these he emerges unscathed. Whatever the variation in the planetary combination, Durudhara Yoga makes the individual endowed with much physical comfort, wealth, loyal helpers, and sincere followers, but towards the end in the individual's life there arises a strong impulse for renouncing the worldly possessions.
DVAITA A school of Indian philosophy which emphasises the duality of the original cause of manifestation, viz., Jivatma and Paramatma, Spirit and Matter, Life and Form, Day and Night, Dark and Light, etc.
DVARA RASI Opening sign; a term used primarily in Jaimini Astrology. It represents the sign of initial dasa (q.v.) or the sign whose dasa is under consideration.
DWADASHOTTRI SYSTEM A system of planetary direction (q.v.) applicable to persons born in Venus navamsa. It is calculated by counting the number of asterisms from that of birth to Revati, and dividing it by 8, the remainder indicating the ruling planet at the time of birth. The numerical denote the different planets; and the years of their ruler ship are assigned in a different manner from other dasa systems. The numericals for different planets and the years of their rulership are as follows: 1=Sun (7 years); 2=Jupiter (9 years); 3=Ketu (11 years); 4=Mercury (10 years); 5=Rahu (15 years); 6=Mars (17 years); 7=Saturn (19 years) and 8=Moon (21 years). The total duration of the planetary cycle under this system is 112 years. It has no ruler ship of Venus. The balance of planetary ruler ship at birth depends on the portion of asterism already elapsed at birth.
DWADASA VARGEEYA BALA A term which refers to planetary strength in a horoscope based on the planet's position in 12 main divisions of a zodiacal sign, viz., (1) Rasi, (2) Hora, (3) Drekkan, (4) Padmamsa, (5) Panchamamsa, (6) Shashtamsa, (7) Saptamsa, (8) Astanisa, (9) Navainsa, (10) Dasamsa, (11) Ekadasamsa, and (12) Dwadasamsa. Auspicious or otherwise nature of a planet depends upon the aggregate strength derived from the total of these positional strength.
DWAJA Flag; ensign; insignia; the organ of generation; a symbol of honor. In astrology, it stands for the south node of Moon, viz., Ketu.
DWAJA YOGA A planetary combination formed by all the malefic placed in the 8th house and all benefices in the ascendant. Under this combination, a leader is born in this combination, unless Mercury acquires malfeasance, it is not fully formed.
DWAPARA YUGA The yuga immediately preceding the Kali Yuga.
DWIRDWADASA The interrelationship between two planets placed 2nd and 12th from each other.
DWISWABHAVA Common signs of the zodiac, viz., Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. DYUTA Gambling. The 1st house in a horoscope indicates gambling and Rahu is the planet associated with gambling in general.
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