Chapter 11 Judgement of Bhavas
1. O Maharishi Parashar, I have come to know of the evilsand antidotes thereof as well from you. Please tell me,what is to be deduced from each bhava.
2. Indications of Tanu Bhava: Maharishi Parashar replies:physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ ofintelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour,weakness, happiness, grief, and innate nature are all to beguessed through the ascending rashi.
3. Indications of Dhan Bhava: Wealth, grains (food etc.),family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are tobe understood through Dhan Bhava.
4. Indications of Sahaj Bhava: From Sahaj Bhava, know ofthe following: valour, servants (attending, etc.),brothers, sisters, etc. initiatory instructions (Upadesh),journey, and parent's death.
5. Indications of Bandhu Bhava: Conveyances, relatives,mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to beconsulted through Bandhu Bhava.
6. Indications of Putr Bhava: The learned should deducefrom Putr Bhava: amulets, sacred spells, learning,knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position,etc..
7. Indications of Ari Bhava: Maternal uncle, doubts aboutdeath, enemies, ulcers, step-mother, etc., are to beestimated from Ari Bhava.
8. Indications of Yuvati Bhava: Wife, travel, trade, lossof sight, death, etc., be known from Yuvati Bhava.
9. Indications of Randhr Bhava: Randhr Bhava indicateslongevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead, andthings that have happened and are to happen (in the pastand future births).
10. Indications of Dharm Bhava: Fortunes, wife's brother,religion, brother's wife, visits to shrines, etc., be knownfrom Dharm Bhava.
11. Indications of Karm Bhava: Royalty (authority), place,profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreignlands and debts are to be understood from Karm Bhava.
12. Indications of Labh Bhava: All articles, son's wife,income, prosperity, quadrupeds, etc., are to be understoodfrom Labh Bhava.
13. Indications of Vyaya Bhava: From Vyaya Bhava, one canknow about expenses, history of enemies, one's own death,etc..
14-16. Prosperity or Annihilation of a Bhava: Predictprosperity of the bhava which is yuti with or drishtied bya benefic. Also, when its lord is in Yuvavastha orPrabuddhavastha or in Kismaravastha or in Karm Bhava, thebhavas well-being is indicated. The bhava which is notdrishtied by its lord or whose lord is with a malefic grahor with one of the lords of evil and such other bhavas(i.e. 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th) or is defeated in awar between grahas or is in one of the three Avasthas, viz,Vriddhavastha, Mritavastht, and Suptavastha.
Chapter 12Effects of Tanu Bhava
1-2. Physical comforts: Should Lagn lord be yuti with amalefic or be in Randhr, 6th, or 12th, physical felicitywill diminish.If he is in an angle or trine there will be at all timescomforts of the body.If Lagn lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy'srashi, there will be diseases.With a benefic in an angle or trine, all diseases willdisappear.Lagn's angles (i.e. Bandhu, Yuvati, or the lOth) or itstrine (Putr, Dharm) containing a benefic is a powerfulremedy for all related to health.
3. There will not be bodily health if Lagn or Chandr bedrishtied by or yuti with a malefic, being devoid of abenefics drishti.
4. Bodily Beauty: A benefic in Lagn will give a pleasingappearance,while a malefic will make one bereft of good appearance.Felicity of the body will be enjoyed if Lagn is drishtiedby or yuti with a benefic.
5-7. Other Benefits: If Lagn lord, Buddh, Guru, or Shukr bein an angle or in a trine, the native will be long lived,wealthy, intelligent, and liked by the king.Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures, and comforts of the bodywill be acquired if Lagn lord is in a movable rashi and bedrishtied by a benefic grah.One will be endowed with royal marks (of fortune) if Buddh,Guru, or Shukr be in Lagn along with the Chandr, or be inangle from Lagn.If Buddh, Guru, or Shukr be in 4th, 7th, or 10th from Lagn,or be in the company of Chandr in Lagn, the native willenjoy royal fortunes.
8. Coiled Birth: If there be a birth in one of Mesh,Vrishabh, and Simh Lagnas containing either Shani orMangal, the birth of the child is with a coil around alimb. The corresponding limb will be in accordance with theRashi or Navamsh rising.(The limbs indicated by the Rashis are shown in sloka4-4 1/2 of ch. 4 )
9. Birth of Twins: The native, who has Surya in a quadrupedrashi while others are in dual rashis with strength, isborn as one of the twins (Quadruped rashis are: Mesh,Vrishabh, Simh, first half of Makar, and second part ofDhanu).
10. To Be Nurtured by Three Mothers: If Surya and Chandrjoin in one and the same bhava and fall in one Navamsh, thenative will be nurtured by three different mothers for thefirst three months from its birth and will later on bebrought up by its father and brother.('Bhratri' apart from meaning a brother calls forinterpretation as a near relative in general).
11. Important: The learned in Jyotish should base theeffects on Chandr also as are applicable to Lagn. Nowexplained are clues to know of ulcers, identity marks,etc., on one's person.
12-14. Decanates and Bodily Limbs: Head, eyes, ears, nose,temple, chin, and face is the order of limbs denoted (bythe various bhavas) when the first decanate of a rashiascends. In the case of the second decanate ascending, theorder is: neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach, andnavel. The order for the third decanate ascending is:pelvis, anus/penis, testicles, thigh, knee, calf, and foot.The portion already risen indicates left side of the body(while the one yet to rise, i.e. the invisible half,denotes the right side of the body).
15. Limbs Affected: The limb related to a malefic byoccupation will have ulcers or scars while the one relatedto a benefic will have a mark (like moles etc). So say theJyotishis.(Also see sloka 6, ch. 4 of Saravali, which statesthat a malefic or a benefic if be in own Rashi or Navamsh,the effects will be right from birth. In other cases, itwill be in the course of one's life that these effects willcome to pass.)
Chapter 13 Effects of Dhan Bhava
1-2. Combinations for Wealth: O excellent of the Brahmins,listen to me speaking on the effects of Dhan Bhava.If the lord of Dhan is in Dhan or is in an angle or intrine he will promote one's wealth (or monetary state).Should he be in Ari/8th/12th, financial conditions willdecline.A benefic in Dhan will give wealthwhile a malefic instead will destroy wealth.
3. One will be wealthy if Guru is in Dhan as the lord ofDhan or is with Mangal.
4. If Dhan lord is in Labh, while the lord of Labh in Dhan,wealth will be acquired by the native. Alternately, thesetwo lords may join in an angle or in a trine.
5. If the lord of Dhan is in an angle while Labh lord is ina trine thereof or is drishtied by or yuti with by Guru andShukr, the subject will be wealthy.
6-7. Yogas for Poverty: One will be penniless if the lordof Dhan Bhava is in an evil bhava while the lord of LabhBhava is also so placed, and Dhan Bhava is occupied by amalefic.There will be penury right from birth and the native willhave to beg even for his food if the lords of Dhan and LabhBhava are both combust or with malefics.
8. Loss of Wealth through the King: Should the lords ofDhan and Labh Bhava be relegated to Ari, Randhr, or VyayaBhava (jointly or separately),while Mangal is in Labh Bhavaand Rahu is in Dhan Bhava, the native will lose his wealthon account of royal punishments.
9. Expenses on Good Accounts: When Guru is in Labh, Shukris in Dhan, and a benefic is placed in Vyaya Bhava, whileDhan's lord is yuti with a benefic, there will be expenseson religious or charitable grounds.
10. Fame, etc.: If Dhan's lord is in own rashi or isexalted the native will look after his people, will helpothers, and all will become famous.
11. Effortless Aquisition: If Dhan's lord is yuti with abenefic and is in a good division like Paravatamsh, therewill be effortlessly all kinds of wealth in the native'sfamily.("Paravatamshdau" of the text denotes Paravat or suchother higher vargas: Dhan's lord should be in Paravatamshor in Devalokamsh, Brahmalokamsh, Sakravahanamsh, orSridhamamsh in the Dash Varg scheme.)
12. Eyes: If Dhan lord is endowed with strength, the nativewill possess beautiful eyes.Should the said grah be in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava,there will be disease or deformity of eyes.
13. Untruthful Person: If Dhan Bhava and its lord are yutiwith malefics, the native will be a tale-bearer, will speakuntruth and will be afflicted by windy diseases.
Chapter 14 Effects of Sahaj Bhava
1. O Brahmin, I now tell you about Sahaj Bhava. ShouldSahaj Bhava be yuti with or drishtied by a benefic, thenative will be endowed with co-born and be courageous.
2. If Sahaj's lord along with Mangal drishtis Sahaj Bhavathe native will enjoy good results due to Sahaj Bhava.Alternatively, these two grahas may be in Sahaj itself.
3. Destruction at once of co-born will come to pass if thesaid 2 grahas are together with a malefic or in a rashiowned by a malefic.
4-4 1/2. Female and Male Co-born: If Sahaj's lord is afemale grah or if Sahaj Bhava be occupied by female grahas,one will have sisters born after him.Similarly, male grahas and male rashis denote youngerbrothers.Should it be of mixed nature, co-born of both sexes will beobtained. These effects be declared after assessing thestrength and weakness of the concerned.
5-6. Should Sahaj's lord and Mangal be together in RandhrBhava, destruction of co-born will result.Happiness in this respect will come to pass if Mangal orSahaj's lord is in an angle or in a trine or in exaltation,or friendly divisions.
7-11. Number of Brothers and Sisters: If Buddh is in SahajBhava while Sahaj's lord and Chandr are together as theindicator (Mangal) joins Shani, the effects are: thereoccurred the birth of an elder sister and there will beyounger brothers. Furthermore, the third brother will die.Should Mangal be yuti with Rahu, while Sahaj's lord is inhis debilitation rashi, there will be loss of youngerbrothers, and/or sisters, while three elder brothers and/orsisters were attained by the native.If Sahaj's lord is in an angle while the significator(Mangal) is exalted in a trine and be yuti with Guru, 12will be the number of total co-born. Out of these twoelders and the 3rd, the 7th, the 9th, and the 12th of theyounger co-born will be shortlived, while six of the saidtwelve will be longlived.12-
13. There will be 1 co-born if Vyaya's lord (some textsread as Labh's lord) joins Mangal and Guru, while SahajBhava is occupied by Chandr. If Chandr is lonely placed inSahaj Bhava with drishti on male grahas, there will beyounger brothers, while the drishti of Shukr denotesyounger sisters.
14. Adverse Grahas: Surya in Sahaj Bhava will destroy thepreborn.The afterborn will be destroyed if Shani is found in SahajBhava.In the same situation, Mangal will destroy both the prebornand later born.
15. After estimating the strength and weakness of suchyogas, the effects related to brothers and sisters beannounced.
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