Chapter 4 Zodiacal Rashis Described
1-2. Importance of Hora: The word Hora is derived fromAhoratr after dropping the first and last syllables. Thus,Hora (lagnas) remains in between Ahoratr (i.e. day andnight) and after knowing Hora, the good and bad effects ofa native be known. Shri Vishnu, the Invisible is Timepersonified. His limbs are the 12 rashis commencing fromMesh.
3. Names of Rashis: The 12 rashis of the zodiac in orderare: Mesh,Vrishabh, Mithun, Kark, Simh , Kanya, Tula,Vrischik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbh, and Meen.
4-41/2. Limbs of Kaal Purush: Kaal Purush (or timepersonified) has his limbs as under with reference to the12 rashis respectively: Head, face, arms, heart, stomach,hip, space below navel, privities, thighs, knees, ankles,and feet.
5-5 1/2. Classification of Rashis : Movable, Fixed, andDual are the names given to the 12 rashis in order. Theseare again known as malefic and benefic, successively.Similarly, are male and female. Mesh, Simh, and Dhanu arebilious. Vrishabh, Kanya, and Makar are windy. Mithun,Tula, and Kumbh are mixed, while the rest are phlegmatic.
6-7. Mesh described: The Mesh is blood-red in has a prominent (big) physique. It is a quadruped rashiand strong during night. It denotes courage. It resides inthe east and is related to kings. It wanders in hills andpredominates in Rajo-gun (the second of the threeconstituent qualities and the cause of great activity inliving beings). It rises with its back (a Prishtodayarashi) and is fiery. Its ruler is Mangal.
8. Vrishabh described: Vrishabh's complexion is white, andis lorded by Shukr. It is long and is a quadruped rashi. Ithas strength in night and resides in the south. Itrepresents villages and businessmen. An earthy rashi,Vrishabh rises with its back.
9-9 1/2. Mithun described: The rashi Mithun rises with itshead and represents a male and a female holding a mace andlute. It lives in the west and is an, airy rashi. It is abiped rashi as well and is strong in nights. It lives invillages and is windy in temperament. It has an even bodywith a green (grass like) hue. Its ruler is Buddh.
10-11. Kark described: The rashi Kark is pale-red. Itresorts to forests and represents Brahmins. It is strong innights. It has many feet (i.e. it is a centipede rashi) andhas a bulky body. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen ingods) and it is a watery rashi. It rises with its back andis ruled by Chandr.
12. Simh described: Simh is ruled by Surya and is Sattvic.It is a quadruped rashi and a royal rashi. It resorts toforests and rises with its head. It has a large, whitebody. It resides in the east and is strong during daytime.
13-14. Kanya described: This rashi is a hill-resorter, andis strong in daytime. It rises with its head and has amedium build. It is a biped rashi and resides in the south.It has grains and fire in its hands. It belongs to thebusiness community and is variegated. It relates tohurricanes ('Prabharanjani'). It is a Virgin and is Tamasic(a disposition of demons). Its ruler is Buddh.
15-16 1/2. Tula described: Tula is a Seershodaya rashirising with its head; Tula is strong in daytime. It isblack in complexion and is predominant with Rajo-gun. Itrelates to the western direction and resorts to land. It isdestructive or mischievous ('Dhatin'). It represents Sudrasor the 4th Varna. It has a medium build physique and is abiped rashi. Its lord is Shukr.Vrischik described:Vrischik has a slender physique and is a centipede rashi.It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes. Its direction isnorth and is strong in daytime. It is reddish-brown andresorts to water and land. It has a hairy physique and isvery sharp (or passionate). Mangal is its ruler.
17-18 1/2. Dhanu described: The rashi Dhanu rises with itshead and is lorded by Guru. It is a Sattvic rashi and istawny in hue. It has strength in night and is fiery. Aroyal rashi, Dhanu is biped in first half. Its second halfis quadruped. It has an even build and adores an arch. Itresides in the east, resorts to land and is splendourous.
19-20. Makar described: Makar is lorded by Shani and haspredominance of Tamo-gun (a disposition seen in demons). Itis an earthy rashi and represents the southern direction.It is strong in nights, and rises with back. It has a largebody. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to bothforests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and itssecond half footless moving in water.
21-21 1/2. Kumbh described: The rashi Kumbh represents aman holding a pot. Its complexion is deep-brown. It hasmedium build and a biped rashi. It is very strong indaytime. It resorts to deep water and is airy. It riseswith its head and is Tamasic. It rules Sudras, the 4thVarna, and the west. Its lord is Shani, Surya's offspring.
22-24. Meen described: Meen resembles a pair of fish, onetailed with the head of the other. This rashi is strong atnight. It is a watery rashi and is predominant withSattwa-gun. It denotes resoluteness and is awater-resorter. It is footless and has a medium build. Itrules the north and rises with both head and back. It isruled by Guru. This is how the twelve rashis each of 30degrees extent are described to evaluate gross and specificeffects.
25-30. Nishek Lagn: O excellent of Maharishis, now is astep explained to arrive at the Nishek Lagn when the natalLagn is known. Note the angular distance between Shani andMandi (Gulik). Add this to the difference between the Lagnbhava (Madhya or cusp) and the 9th bhava (cusp). Theresultant product in rashis, degrees, etc. will representthe months, days, etc. that elapsed between Nishek andbirth. At birth if Lagn lord is in the invisible half(i.e. from Lagn cusp to descendental cusp) add the degrees,etc. Chandr moved in the particular rashi occupied by herto the above mentioned product. Then, Lagn at Nishek can beworked out and the good and bad experienced by the nativein the womb can be guessed. One can also guess, with thehelp of Nishek Lagn, effects like longevity, death, etc. ofthe parents.
Chapter 5 Special Lagnas
1. Oh excellent of the Brahmins, I explain below again somespecial Lagnas, viz. Bhava Lagn, Hora Lagn, and GhatiLagn.
2-3. Bhava Lagn: From sunrise to the time of birth every 5ghatis (or 120 minutes) constitute one Bhava Lagn. Dividethe time of birth (in ghatis, vighatis, etc.) from sunriseby 5 and add the quotient etc. to Surya's longitude as atsunrise. This is called Bhava Lagn
.4-5. Hora Lagn: Again from sunrise till the time of birth,Hora Lagn repeats itself every 21/2 ghatis (i. e. 60minutes). Divide the time past up to birth from sunrise by2 1/2 and add the quotient etc. in rashis, degrees, and soon to the longitude of Surya as at the sunrise. This willyield Hora Lagn in rashi, degrees, etc..
6-8. Ghati Lagn (Ghatik Lagn): Now listen to the method ofworking out Ghati Lagn. This Lagn changes along with everyGhati (24 minutes) from the sunrise. Note birth time inghatis and vighatis. Consider the number of ghatis past asnumber of rashis or Ghati Lagnas. The vighatis be dividedby 2 to arrive at degrees and minutes of arc past in thesaid Ghati Lagn. The product so arrived in rashis, degrees,and minutes be added to Surya's longitude as at sunrise toget the exact location of Ghati Lagn. So, say Maharishislike Narada.
9. Use of Special Lagnas: Keeping the grahas at birth as itis, prepare various bhava kundalis with respect to eachspecial Lagn and analyze as done for the natal Lagn.
10-13 1/2. Varnad Dasha: I now detail Varnad Dasha just byknowing which, one can deal with the longevity of a native.If the natal Lagn is an odd rashi count directly from tonatal Lagn. If the natal Lagn is an even rashi, count fromMeen to the natal Lagn, in the reverse order. Similarly, ifthe Hora Lagn is an odd one, count from Mesh to Hora Lagnin direct order. If the Hora Lagn is an even one, countfrom Meen to Hora Lagn in the reverse order. If both theproducts are odd rashis or even rashis, then add both thefigures. If one is odd and the other is even, then know thedifference between the two products. If the latest product,in this process, is an odd one, count so many rashis fromMesh in a direct manner, if an even one, count so manyrashis from Meen in reverse order. The rashi so known willbe the Varnad for Lagn.
14-15. Effects of Varnad: Now, listen to the use of theabove. Out of the two, viz. natal Lagn and Hora Lagn,whichever is stronger, from there Varnad starts. If thenatal Lagn is an old rashi, the counting of dashas isclockwise, otherwise anticlockwise. Lagn dasha years willequal the number of rashis intervening between the natalLagn and Varnad. Similarly, for other bhavas.
16-20. Effects of Varnad (cont.): Should a Kon from Lagn 'sVarnad be occupied or drishtied by a malefic, the nativewill live only up to the dasha of the said rashi. Just asthe Rudra grah in Sool Dasha is capable of causing evils,the above mentioned grahas related to Varnad's Kon betreated. The Varnad Lagn be considered as natal Lagn whilethe 7th from Varnad will denote the longevity of thespouse, the 11th longevity of elder brothers and sisters,the 3rd longevity of younger brothers and sisters, the 5ththe longevity of sons, the 4th longevity of mother and the9th longevity of father. The Dasha of the Sool rashi willinflict greater evils.
21-24. Effects of Varnad (cont.): Similar assessments bemade with reference to the Varnad of each bhava commencingthe first and the evils and goods due to a nativity beknown. These Varnad Dashas are only for bhavas (rashis)and not their occupants. The sub period of each Dasha willbe one twelfth of the Dasha and the order will also beclockwise or anti-clockwise as explained earlier. Thenatal Lagn is to be calculated according to birth placewhile Bhava Lagn, Hora Lagn, etc., are common to allplaces.
Chapter 6 The Sixteen Divisions of a Rashi
1. O Maharishi Parashar, I have known from you about thegrahas, rashis, and their descriptions. I desire to knowthe details of various divisions of a rashi, will youplease narrate.
2-4. Names of the 16 Vargas: Lord Brahma has described 16kinds of Vargas (Divisions) for each rashi. Listen tothose. The names are: Rashi, Hora, Dreshkan, Chaturthamsh,Saptamsh, Navamsh, Dashamsh, Dvadashamsh, Shodashamsh,Vimshamsh, Chaturvimshamsh, Saptavimshamsh, Trimshamsh,Khavedamsh, Akshavedamsh, and Shashtiamsh.
5-6. Rashi and Hora: The rashi owned by a grah is calledits Kshetra. The first half of an odd rashi is the Horaruled by Surya. While the second half is the Hora ofChandr. The reverse is true in the case of an even rashi.Half of a rashi is called Hora. These are totally 24counted from Mesh and repeated twice (at the rate of 12) inthe whole of the zodiac.
7-8. Dreshkan: One third of a rashi is called Dreshkan(Dreshkan). These are totally 36, counted from Mesh (toMeen), repeating thrice at the rate of 12 per round. The1st, 5th, and the 9th rashis from a rashi are its threeDreshkanas, and are respectively lorded by Narada,Agasthya and Durvash.
9. Chaturthamsh: The lords of the 4 Kendras from a rashiare the rulers of respective Chaturthamsh of a rashicommencing from Mesh. Each Chaturthamsh is one fourth of arashi. The deities respectively are Sanak, Sanand, Kumar,and Sanatan.
10-11. Saptamsh: The Saptamsh (one seventh of a rashi)counting commences from the same rashi in the case of anodd rashi. It is from the seventh rashi there of while aneven rashi is considered. The names of the seven divisionsin odd rashis are : Kshaar, Ksheer, Dadhi, Ghrith, Ikshu,Ras, Madhya, and Suddh Jal. These designations are reversedfor an even rashi.
12. Navamsh: The Navamsh calculation are for a movablerashi from there itself, for a fixed rashi from the 9ththereof and for a dual rashi from the 5th thereof. They goby designations Deva (divine), Manushya (human), andRakshasa (devilish) in a successive and repetitive orderfor a movable rashi. (Manushya, Rakshasa and Deva are theorder for a fixed rashi while Rakshasa, Manushya, and Devaare a dual rashi's order.)
13-14. Dashamsh: Starting from the same rashi for an oddrashi and from the 9th with reference to an even rashi, the10 Dashamshas each of 3 degrees are reckoned. These arepresided over by the ten rulers of the cardinaldirections, viz. Indra, Agni, Yama, Rakshasa, Varuna,Vayu, Kuber, Isan, Brahma, and Ananth in case of an oddrashi. It is in the reverse order that these presidingdeities are reckoned when an even rashi is given.
15. Dvadashamsh: The reckoning of the Dvadashamsh (onetwelfth of a rashi or 2 1/2 degrees each) commences fromthe same rashi. In each rashi the presidentship repeatsthrice in the order of Ganesh, Ashvini, Kumar, Yama, andSarpa for the 12 Dvadashamshas.
16. Shodashamsh (or Kalamsh): Starting from Mesh for amovable rashi, from Simh for a fixed rashi and from Dhanufor a dual rashi, the 16 Shodashamshas (16th part of arashi i.e. of 152' 30") are regularly distributed. Thepresiding deities of these repeat in the order Brahma,Vishnu, Shiva, and Surya four times in the case of an oddrashi. It is reverse in the case of an even rashi thatthese ruling deities are understood.
17-21. Vimshamsh: From Mesh for a movable rashi, fromDhanu from a fixed rashi and from Simh for a common rashi:this is how the calculations of Vimshamshas ( 1/20th of arashi or 1 degree 30' each) are to commerce. The presidingdeities of the 20 Vimshamshas are in an odd rashi arerespectively: Kali, Gauri, Jaya, Lakshmi, Vijaya, Vimal,Sati, Tara, Jvalamukhi, Sveta, Lalita, Bagalamukhi,Pratyangir, Shachi, Raudri, Bhavani, Varad, Jaya, Tripura,and Sumukhi. In an even rashi these 20 deities respectivelyare: Daya, Megha, Chinnasi, Pisachini, Dhumavathi; Matangi,Bal, Bhadr, Arun, Anal, Pingal, Chuchchuk, Ghora, Vaarahi,Vaishnavi, Sita, Bhuvanesvari, Bhairavi, Mangal, andAparajit.
22-23. Chaturvimshamsh: The Chaturvimshamsh (1/24th part ofa rashi or 115 each) distribution commences from Simh andKark respectively for an odd and an even rashi. In the caseof an odd rashi the ruling deities repeat twice in theorder of Skand, Parusdhar, Anal, Vishwakarma, Bhag, Mitr,Maya, Antaka, Vrisha-dwaja, Govinda Madan, and Bhima.Reverse these from Bhima (to Skand) twice to know thedeities for the Chaturvimshamsh in an even rashi.
24-26. Saptavimshamsh (Nakshatramsh or Bhamsh): TheSaptavimshamsh lords are respectively the presiding deitiesof the 27 Nakshatras as under: Dastra (Ashvini Kumar),Yama, Agni, Brahma, Chandr, Isa, Adhiti, Jiva, Ahi, Pitar,Bhag, Aryama, Surya, Tvasht, Marut, Chakragni, Mitr,Vasava, Rakshasa, Varuna, Vishwadeva, Govinda, Vasu,Varuna, Ajap, Ahirbuddhnya, and Pushya. These are for anodd rashis. Count these deities in a reverse order for aneven rashi. The Saptavimshamsh distribution commences fromMesh and other movable rashis for all the 12 rashis.
27-28. Trimshamsh: The Trimshamsh lords for an odd rashiare: Mangal, Shani, Guru, Buddh, and Shukr. Each of them inorder rules 5, 5, 8, 7, and 5 degrees, The deities rulingover the Trimshamshas are respectively, Agni, Vayu, Indra,Kuber, and Varuna. Tn the case of an even rashi, thequantum of Trimshamsh, grah lordship and deities getreversed.
29-30. Khavedamsh (or Chatvarimshamsh): (1/40th part of arashi): For odd rashis count from Mesh and for an evenrashi from Tula in respect of Khavedamshas (each of 45' ofarc). Vishnu, Chandr, Marichi, Tvasht, Dhata, Shiva, Ravi,Yama, Yaksh, Gandharv, Kaal, and Varuna repeat successivelyas presiding deities in the same order for all rashis.
31-32. Akshavedamsh: (1/45th part of a rashi): Mesh, Simh,and Dhanu are the rashis from which the distributionsrespectively commence for movable, immovable, and commonrashis. In movable rashis, Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu; inimmovable rashis Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma and in commonrashis Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva repeat 15 times thepresidentship over these Akshavedamshas.
33-41. Shashtiamsh: (1/60th part of a rashi or half adegree each): To calculate the Shashtiamsh lord, ignore therashi position of a grah and take the degrees, etc., ittraversed in that rashi. Multiply that figure by 2 anddivide the degrees by 12. Add 1 to the remainder which willindicate the rashi in which the Shashtiamsh falls. The lordof that rashi is the grah ruling the said Shashtiamsh. Inodd rashis, the names of Shashtiamshas are:1.Ghora,2.Rakshasa, 3.Deva, 4.Kuber, 5.Yaksh, 6.Kindar, 7.Bhrasht,8.Kulaghna, 9.Garal, 10.Vahni, 11.Maya, 12.Purishak,13.Apampathi, 14.Marutwan, 15.Kaal, 16.Sarpa, 17.Amrit.18.Indu, 19.Mridu, 20. Komal, 21.Heramba, 22.Brahma,23.Vishnu, 24.Maheshwara, 25.Deva, 26.Ardr, 27.Kalinas,28.Kshitees, 29.Kamalakar, 30.Gulik, 31.Mrityu, 32.Kaal,33.Davagni, 34.Ghora, 35.Yama, 36 Kantak, 37.Suddh,38.Amrit, 39.Purnachandr, 40.Vishadagdha, 41.Kulanas,42.Vamshakshaya, 43.Utpat, 44.Kaal, 45.Saumya, 46.Komal,47.Sheetal, 48.Karaladamshtr, 49.Chandramukhi, 50.Praveen,51.Kaalpavak, 52 Dhannayudh, 53.Nirmal, 54.Saumya, 55.Krur,56.Atisheetal, 57.Amrit, 58.Payodhi, 59.Brahman,60.Chandrarekha (Indurekha).The reverse is the order for even rashis in so much asthese names are cased. Grahas in benefic Shashtiamshasproduce auspicious, while the opposite is true in case ofgrahas in malefic Shashtiamshas.
42-53. Varg Classification: Maitreya, explained now are thesum effects of classifications of different divisions (orvargas so far narrated). These are four kinds, viz. ShadVarg (6 divisions considered), Sapth Varg (7 divisionsconsidered), Dasha Varg (10 divisions considered) andShodasha Varg (all the 16 divisions considered). In theShadvarg classification, the varg designations are Kimshuk,Vyanjan, Chamar, Chatr, and Kundal according to a grahbeing in 2 to 6 combinations of good vargas. Next is theSapth varg in which these classifications continue in thesame manner up to six combinations of good vargas, the 7thadditional varg getting classified as Mukut. In the DashaVarg scheme, the designations commence from Parijata etc.such as 2 good Vargas-Parijatha, 3. Uttama, 4. Gopur, 5.Simhsan, 6. Paravata, 7. Devaloka, 8. Brahmaloka, 9.Sakravahana, and 10. Vargas-Shridham. In the Shodasha Vargscheme the combinations of vargas go with designationsthus: two good Vargas-Bhedak, 3. Kusum, 4. Nagapushpa, 5.Kanduk, 6. Kerala, 7. Kalpa Vriksha, 8. Chandan Vana, 9.Purnachandr, 10. Uchchaisrava, 11. Dhanvantari,12.Suryakant, 13. Vidrum, 14. Chakra-simhasan, 15.Golok, and 16. Vargas-Shri Vallabh. In these divisions,the divisions falling in the grah's exaltation rashi,Mooltrikon rashi, own rashi, and the rashis owned by thelord of a Kendra from the Arudha Lagn are all to beconsidered (as good vargas). The divisions of a combustgrah, defeated grah, weak grah and a grah in bad Avasthaslike Sayan be all ignored to be auspicious, for thesedestroy the good Yogas.
Chapter 7 Divisional Considerations
1-8. Use of the 16 Divisions: Now, I will explain the useof these sixteen divisions. The physique from Lagn, wealthfrom Hora, happiness through co-born from Dreshkan,fortunes from Chaturthamsh, sons and grandsons fromSaptamsh, spouse from Navamsh, power (and position) fromDashamsh, parents from Dvadashamsh, benefits andadversities through conveyances from Shodashamsh, worshipfrom Vimshamsh, learning from Chaturvimshamsh strength andweakness from Saptavimshamsh, evil effects from Trimshamsh,auspicious and inauspicious effects from Khavedamsh, andall indications from both Akshavedamsh and Shashtiamsh:these are the considerations to be made through therespective vargas. The bhava whose lord is in a maleficShashtiamsh will diminish, so say Garga and others. Thebhava whose lord is in a benefic Shodashamsh flourish. Thisis how the 16 vargas are to be evaluated.
9-12. After assessing the 20 point strength of theascending degree, of other bhavas, and of the grahas, thegood and bad effects be declared. I explain below themethod of knowing the Vimsopak strength (20 point strength)just by knowing which an idea of the results of actions ofthis birth and of former birth will clearly emerge. Thegrahas from Surya on get full strength when in exaltationor in own rashi and are bereft of strength when in the 7th(from exaltation). In between, the strength be known by therule of three process. In the case of a grah owning tworashis, distinction of placement in odd/even rashiidentical with own rashi be made.
13-16. Hora, Dreshkan, and Trimshamsh Effects: Guru, Surya,and Mangal give (pronounced) effects in the Hora of Surya.Chandr, Shukr, and Shani do so when in Chandr's Horas;Buddh is effective in both the Horas. In the case of aneven rashi the hora of Chandr will be powerful in effectswhile Surya's hora in an odd rashi will be so. Full,medium, and nil will be the effects respectively in thebeginning middle and the end of a hora. Similarapplications be made for a Dreshkan, Turyamsh, Navamsh,etc.. As for Trimshamsh effects Surya is akin to Mangal andChandr is akin to Shukr. The effects applicable to Rashiwill apply to Trimshamsh.
17-19. Vimshopak Bal: The Shad Vargas (six divisions)consist of Rashi, Hora, Dreshkan, Navamsh, Dvadashamsh, andTrimshamsh. The full Bal, for each of the divisionsrespectively are 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, and 1. This is theVimshopak Bal relating to Shad Varg division. Adding theSaptamsh to the Shad Vargas, we get Sapt Varg, theVimshopak Bal for which is: 5, 2, 3, 2 1/2, 4 1/2, 2, and1. These are gross strengths, while subtle ones should beunderstood by exact positions.
20. Add Dashamsh, Shodashamsh, and Shashtiamsh to the saidSapt Varg Divisions, to get the scheme of Dasha Varg (10divisions). The Vimshopak Bal in this context is 3 forRashi, 5 for Shashtiamsh, and for the other 8 divisions, 11/2 each.
21-25. When the 16 divisions (Shodash Varg Scheme) areconsidered together, the Vimshopak score goes thus: Hora 1,Trimsamsh 1, Dreshkan 1, Shodashamsh 2, Navamsh 3, Rashi 31/2, Shashtiamsh 4, and the rest of the nine divisionseach a half. The Vimshopak Bal remains as 20 (in the abovecomputations) only when the grah is in own bhava vargas.Otherwise, the total strength from 20 declines to 18 inPramudit vargas, to 15 in Shant vargas, to 10 in Svasthdivisions, to 7 in Duhkhit vargas and to 5 in Khal vargas.(These figures are called Varg Vishwa.)
26-27. Vimshopak Proportional Evaluation. Multiply thefigure due to full strength for the division by the vargVishwa and divide by 20 to get the exact strength of thegrah. If the such total is below 5 the grah will not becapable of giving auspicious results. If it is above 5 butbelow 10, the grah will yield some good effects. Later on,up to 15 it is indicative of mediocre effect. A grah withabove 15 will yield wholly favourable effects.
28-29. Other Sources of Strength: Maitreya, there are otherkinds of sources as I explain below. Grahas in the 7th fromSurya will be fully effective. One with an identicallongitude in comparison to Surya's will destroy the goodeffects. Rule of three process be applied to the grah inbetween these positions.30-32. Dasha effects with Vimshopak Bal: Maitreya, afterassessing the Vimshopak Bal through the various divisions,the rising and setting of the grahas be considered. TheVimshopak Bal is classified under: Purna, Atipurna, Madhya,Atimadhya, Heen, Atiheen, Swalpa, and Atiswalp. Thus,should be classified the Vimshopak Bal and the Dasha periodresults declared accordingly.
33-36. Kendras, Konas, etc., Defined: O Maitreya, listen toother matters which I am explaining. The Kendras arespecially known as Lagn (the ascendent), Bandhu Bhava,Yuvati Bhava (the descendant), and Karm Bhava (mid-heaven).Dhan, Putr, Randhr, and Labh Bhava are Panapharas (orsuccedents), while Sahaj, Ari, Dharm, and Vyaya Bhava arecalled Apoklimas (or cadents). Putr and Dharm Bhava areknown by the name Kon (or trine). Evil bhavas or DusthanBhavas are Ari, Randhr, and Vyaya Bhava. Chaturasras areBandhu and Randhr Bhava. Sahaj, Ari, Karm, and Labh Bhavaare Upachaya Bhavas.
37-38. Names of Bhavas: Thanu, Dhan, Sahaj, Bandhu, Putr,Ari, Yuvati, Randhr, Dharm, Karma, Labh, and Vyaya are inorder the names of bhavas. I explained these briefly andleave it to you to grasp more according to yourintelligence. As delivered by Lord Brahma, some furtherinformation is added thus (i.e. in the followingverses.).
39-43. Indications from Bhavas: Dharm Bhava and the 9thfrom Surya deal with one's father. Whatever effects are tobe known from the Karm and Labh Bhava be also known fromsimilar bhavas counted from Surya. Whatever results are tobe known from Bandhu, Tanu, Dhan, Labh, and Dharm shouldalso be known from the 4th of Chandr, from Kark rashiitself, and from the 2nd, 11th, and 9th from Chandrrespectively. Whatever has to be known through Sahaj Bhavabe also analyzed through the 3rd from Mangal. The 6th fromBuddh be also considered in regard to indicationsderivable from Ari Bhava. The 5th from Guru, the 7th fromShukr, and both the 8th and 12th from Shani stand forconsideration respectively in respect of offspring, spouse,and death. The lord of the bhava is equally important whenestimating the indications of a particular bhava.
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