I, Mukunda Daivajna, for the benefit of the (astrological)
savants, offering prayers to Lord Krsna who is wedded to Rukmini, usher this work entitled NASTA JATAKA (Lost Horoscopy).
Notes—The author Sri Mukundacarya acquired great skills
and opened new dimensions in difficult aspects of astrology, viz.
principles of horoscopy when birth time is not known, rectifi-
cation of birth time, the most essential means to achieve fair
degree of success etc. This means, this aspect of astrology
should be handled only after attaining fair knowledge of work-
ing in earlier parts. This chapter is based on Varaha-Mihira and
other scholars’ Schools of thinking. The present work is start-
ed by him after offering prayers to Lord Krsna to enlighten the
scholars. -
Where the time of conception and the Tithi etc. of birth are not exactly known, Nasta Jataka leads one to know such details. With such in format ion concerning date of birth etc. the auspi-cious and inauspicious events of one’s life receive enlightenment and that science is called Jataka §astra. And such lost details are reconstructed with the aid of Nasta Jataka.
Notes—Here tithi etc. means the birth details like, week day, date, month, year etc.
Garbhadhmakala means the moment when the sexual act is completed leading to conception of the native in the mother’s womb. Some translators, however, erroneously interpreted this as the time of conception itself, which is difficult to be ascertain-ed even by the extant modern medical science. The conception time can be astrologically ascertained as under, as explained in Rama Dayalu’s Sanketa Nidhi, Ch. 1. V. 9.
Find out at birth the exact number of degrees still to lapse in the Lagna and also the number of degrees traversed by the Moon in the RHBi occupied by her. Add the sum total to 240 and the resultant figure will indicate the number of days between Adhana and Janma.
Suppose the Lagna is 20 degrees in a sign and the Moon is
in 12 degrees. Lagna has yet to cover 10 degrees and the Moon
covered 12 degrees. The total of these two (i.e. 10+12) is 22
whiph added to 240 indicates that 262 days passed between con-
ception and birth. This data helps in rectifying the horoscope,
when doubts are marginal. As conception time cannot be
ascertained without having the almost known horoscope on hand,
the question of conception time does not arise when the birt details are not handy. Conception time and birth tiriae can how-ever be ascertained through Horary chart.
If the time of conception and birth data are not available, then the same can be obtained through the medium of Horary chart (Horary chart is the one drawn for the time of query relating to the desire of getting one’s boroscopic data traced). If the Lagna in the Horary chart is within the first 15 degree range of Rggi, then the birth is in Uttarayana (i.e. the northern course of the Sun). If the said Lagna is in the latter half of the Raii, then the birth is in Daksinayana (i.e in the Southern course of the Sun.) Kalyana Varma holds the same view.
Suppose the Prasna Lagna is within 15 degrees of Aries; then the natal Sun of the querist was in his northern course, i.e. somewhere in between Capricorn and Gemini (both signs includ-ed.) However, should the Prasna Lagna be in the latter half i.e. 15° 01, and 30° the natal Sun should have been in-Southern course, i.e. Cancer to Sagittarius, (Uttarayana is known also as winter solstice while Daksinayana is known as Summer solstice.)
Note.—An example of the above-mentioned rules is given below:
Suppose a person, whose birth data are not known, puts a query on Wednesday, Dark fortnight’s Dasami, Vaisakha month in Samvat 1940 when the Lagna was in Gemini, 15° 26’. The Lagna in the Horary chart is in the second half which suggests that the birth was in Daksinayana or summer solstice.
Another example. A query in the month of Magha, in dark half of 5th day, on Tuesday in Samvat 1948 when the Sun’s longi-tude was 9s 6° 3’ and the ruling ascendant was 1” 12° 18’. Here the Lagna is in the first half with less than 15° which puts the natal Sun belonging to Uttarayana i.e. winter solstice.
Third example. Someone put a question in Vaisakha, on the 4th day of bright half, Thursday, in Samvat 1954 relating to his lost horoscope. The time of question was 21 ghatis51 palas with transit Sun in Aries 23° 47’. The day duration is 33 ghatis 40 palas and the Lagna Sphuta is -.» 25° 58’. The ruling Lagna was beyond 15° and hence the birth should have occurred during the Sun’s southern course.
Depending on the rising decanate, the natal Jupiter should be placed, after carefully assessing the possible age of the native, either in the Prasna Lagna itself, or in the 5th or in the 9th therefrom. If the rising decanate is the first of that Rasi, then Jupiter is placed in that Rasi, itself. Similarly, should second decanate be rising, then the planet is ip the 5th from the said Rasi. Thirdly, if 3rd decanate rises, then put Jupiter in the 9th from the Prasna Lagna. If the Sun is in the Prasna Lagna or the decanate owned by the Sun rises, the birth is in Grisma Rtu. Similarly, the other Rtus concerning the respective planets or their decanates in the Prasna Lagna should be understood.
Note—Each sign is divided into three parts of 10 degrees to be called a decanate. The first decanate is ruled by the same planet, the second by the 5th lord therefrom and the third by the 9th lord therefrom. For example, the first decanate of Aries falls in Aries itself and the lord is Mars. The second decanate falls in Leo the 5th from Aries and the ruler is the Sun and the third decanate falls in Sagittarius, the ninth from Aries and is ruled by Jupiter.
Concerning Rtu (seasons of the year) there are six, known as Grisma, Varsa, §arad, Hemanta, Sisira and Vasanta. That is to say these coincide with the stay of the Sun respectively in Taurus-Gemini, Cancer-Leo, Virgo-Libra, Scorpio-Sagittarius, Capricorn- , Aquarius and Pisces-Aries. Thus each Rtu lasts for two months.
(In Gri’ma Rtu, the sun is in Taurus and Gemini). While the sun is the lord ofGnsma Rtu Saturn rules Sisira Rtu, Venus Vasanta, Mars Grisma, the Moon Varsa, Mercury Sarad and Jupiter Hemanta. Rahu and Ketu do not rule decanates or seasons. With the help of these two verses the positions of Jupiter and the Sun are decided.
Another school of thought is to fix Jupiter depending on the rising Dvadasamsa in the Prasna chart. Jupiter will be so many houses away as the Dvadasamsa Lagna. That is, if the 5th Dvadasamsa of Aries rises in the Prasna chart, the natal Jupiter should be in Leo.
The correct Rtu should be understood only on the basis of solar months (and not the lunar months which are normally in existence in Andhra Pradesh and North India) as the words arkacarat appear in the above verse.
The rising degree should be multiplied by 2 and divided by
5. The sign indicated by the remainder will represent the position
of Jupiter. The age guessed approximately should be rectified
by multiples of 12, which will again locate natal Jupiter. This
i§ Kalyana Varma’s opinion.
Note—In the example given in verses 4 & 5, the PraSna Lagna is Gemini 15° 26’ (refer the case ofSamvat 1940) which indicates the position of Jupiter in the 5th therefrom (being the second decanate). The number of signs between the Prasna Lagna and natal Jupiter is 9 to which 12 is added and 21 is obtained as the approximate age of the native (we get the num” ber of signs as 9 only when we count in reverse from PraSna Lagna to natal Jupiter).
Take another example. The Pragna Lagna is Taurus 12° (vide verses 4 and 5, relating to the case ofSamvat 1948). According to Kalyana Varma, the longitude (expunging the sign) should be multiplied by 2 and divided by 12, the remainder of which should represent the sign holding natal Jupiter. Here 12X =2444 which when divided by 5 yields 4 as remainder. So, the position of natal Jupiter is in the 4th Sign of Zodiac, i.e. Cancer.
The author now gives an example to locate the Rtu at birth. Prasna Lagna is 1” 15° 26’, the decanate of which is Libra. The lord thereof is Venus who is in the second decanate in Pisces (in the Horary chart). The second decanate of Pisces is Cancer and ruled by the Moon. The Moon indicates Varsa Rtu at birth, i.e. the Sun should be in Cancer or Leo. Since the decanate exceeds half of it, the birth should be in the second month of the Rtu, i.e. Bhadrapada, when the Sun moves in Leo. Kalyana Varma has also explained regarding Rtu and month (Please refer to Saravali in this regard)
Whichever planet is in the Prasna Lagna, its Ritu should have prevailed at birth. If there is no planet therein, the lord of rising decanate will indicate the Rtu. Should there be mutual contradiction between Rtu and Ayana, then Moon, Mer-cury and Jupiter should be respectively exchanged by Venus, Mars and Saturn. This will lead to the understanding of the coinciding Rtu. If the first half of decanate rises, then it indica-tes the birth in the first month of the Rtu and the second half of decanate denotes the second month of the Rtu. Varaha Mihira also gives the same opinion regarding the exchange of planets in case of clash between Ayana and Rtu (vide Chapter 26, verse 3 of Brhat-Jataka).
In the case of winter solstice, Varsa, §arad and Hemanta Rtus should be replaced by Vasanta, Grisma and Sisira Rtus respectively to suit the solstice as the former three Rtus cannot be in the winter solstice.
The decanate should be made in two parts each of 5° and if the Prasna Lagna be in the first part of the decanate, then the birth should be in the first month of the Rtu. Should the same be in the second part of the decanate, birth in the second month of the Rtu concerned is indicated. And the date of birth should be ascertained by rule of three processes. Kalyana Varma also suggested the rule of three processes as above.
Notes—Now, we shall take a close look of the rule con-
cerned. Once the Rtu is ascertained, its actual duration must
be known, for a Rtu is not exactly sixty days as a rule. Kapvy from the ephemeris as to how long the Sun exactly stayed in the two Rasis concerned as each Rtu is for the Sun’s such stay. This particular sum should be used to work out the date of birth. Suppose the Rtu’s duration at birth was 59 days 20 hours etc., this divided by 10 degrees (one decanate) will give the equal number of days per degree lapsed. This should be applied to the Sun’s entry into the sign concerned accordingly.
Regarding possible contradiction between Ayana and Rtu, the author gives an example. Take the case of Pragna Lagna 1” 12° b’ where the ascendant is less than 13” which suggests Uttarayana at birth. Since the Prasna Lagna happens to be in the second decanate of Taurus, the decanate falls in Gemini (5th from Taurus) and the ruler is Mercury who indicates §arad Rtu at birth. Because of the fact that during Uttarayana there cannot be Sarad Rtu (ruled by Mercury), the Rtu of Mars should be considered as per verse above. As per this exchange, Grisma Rtu is indicated at birth, ruled by Mars to fit Winter Solstice or Uttarayana and as the Prasna Lagna happens to be in the first part of the decanate (i.e. between 10 and 15 degrees), the very first month of Grisma Rtu is arrived at as the month of birth or placement of the Sun.
The author exemplifies further by taking Prasna Lagna as Leo 25° 18’. Here the longitude of the ascendant is in excess of 15° suggesting birth in Summer Solstice or Daksinayana. The 3rd decanate of Leo falls in Aries whose lord is Mars indicating Grisma Rtu at birth. Daksinayana and Grisma Rtu cannot coincide and hence the Rtu of Mars should be replaced by that of Mercury as stated earlier. As such, §arad Rtu should have prevailed at birth. In this example, since the second part of decanate prevails, the birth should have been in the second month of arad Rtu, i.e. Karttika §iikla Paksa Dvitiyaand rule of three processes should be applied to decanate rising. One decanate equals 600 minutes of arc in longitude (IOX60=600). Rtu equals two months or 60 days.
According to Varaha Mihira, the ruling Tithi at birth would be equal to the longitude obtained by the Sun in the Rasi occu-pied by him in the Prasna chart.
The views of Kalyana Varma and Manittha are the same. For example, the Sun is 6° 30’ of a sign. This is indicative of Saptami Tithi (of §ukla paksa), i.e. Sasthi has already lapsed.
Notes—There are 30 tithis or lunar days. Starting from Padyami, the 15 tithis repeat twice and the 15th and 30th tithis are known as Paumami and Amavasya respectively. This in formation will help to know the birth tithi as per the said two principles.
If day sign rises in the Prasna chart, the birth should have been m night. Should a night sign be on the question ascendant, day birth should be concluded. Based on the degrees, lapsed In the Prasna Lagna, the time that should have passed in day - gr night at birth, should be worked out.
Kalyana Varma also gives the same views.
Day signs are : Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and
Pisces. The rest are night signs.
Notes—The author gives an example where the Prasna Lagna is Leo 25° 18’. Leo is a day sign and so the birth should be in night time. The duration of night here is 32 ghaUs and 5 vighatts which when converted into vighatis becomes 1925. In PraSna Lagna, 4° 42’ are still to elapse. 4° 42’ gives 282’. This figure should be multiplied by 1925 and the resultant figure is 542850. This should be divided by 346 which was the Svodaya-mana and the answer is 1555 Pala and 27 Vipala. This when converted into ghaUs becomes 25 gh/55/27 and is the time of birth after Sunset.
Another example given by the author is this. Take Prdna Lagna as Taurus 12° 8’ 7”. Since night sign ascends, birth time should be in day. 17° 51’ 53” are still to pass in PraSna Lagna.
Night duration is 34 ghatis, when these are multiplied, the
answer is 510. Divide it by 30 and the answer is 17 ghatis as
birth time, after night fall. (There are some elementary mathe-
matical errors in the text which have however been translated
undisturbed. The errors may be ignored and correct calcula-tions be made suitably.
The above examples are somewhat difficult to be understood by all readers and to make it easy, here is an example. Each ascendant has 30 degrees. Suppose in a day sign which becomes a Prasna Lagna, 10 degrees have passed, i.e. l/3rd was over. Since the birth accordingly becomes night Sign, it should have been after one third of the beginning of the night. Calculations should be made accordingly.
According to some, the lunar month (named after the star
ending the bright half) of birth is deduced from the Navarii~
occupied by the Moon at the time oF Prasna. The M oon at birth will be in the house of the strongest among the lords of 1st, 5th or 9th in the Horary chart. The Moon’s natal position may also correspond to the Rggi signified by the part of the body touched by the querist during the time of question. This is the view of Varaha Mihira in his Brbat Samhita.
Notes—Suppose the Moon in PraBna chart is in Cancer 13° 15’ which falls in Tula NavaimSa. In Tula RBSI, Citra, Svati and Vis~kha exist while ‘Caitra’ portion is six quarters and VaiSCkha portion is three quarters. As the Moon is in the 4th NavamSa of Cancer, which is within the 2/3rd portion (as Caitra ijs 2/3rd), the lunar month should be Caitra at birth.
Suppose, the querist touches his kness (on his own) at the time of query, then his natal Moon is in the sign of Capricorn.
Before giving the meaning of the verse, a word is to be men-tioned about the groupism of Stars to suggest the name of the month of birth. If the NavamsaoftheMoonata query is of Kirttika. the birth month is Karttika, Mrgasira suggests Marga-i?rsa month, Pusya Naksatra Pausa month, Magha Naksatra hl~ghaa month, etc. This is what is suggested by the words Siukldi Candra Masa” in the earlier verse.
Now we come to the present verse. If the month ending with full Moon is not available as per the earlier theory, out of Prasna Moon’s position in Naksatra, then such a month sugges-ted by Jupiter’s Naksatra position should be indicated as birth month.
Starting from Karttika in sets of two stars each, Karttikadi
Varsa etc. are to be deduced. Only in 5th, 11th and 12th years
there are three stars.
Yavanacarya suggests Amanta Masa (month ended by New
Moon) as against Sukianta of Varaha Mihira, as the Moon
has medium strength on the 10th day. According to other texts,
the month of birth should be ascertained depending on the
Moon’s becoming full in the month indicated by appropriate
Naksatra. If Janma Masa could not be known like this, then
K.rsnanta (of Yavana) is applicable.
3Turr~TTTT ~~-TT~3n;m__
Out of the Horary Ascendant, and its trines (i.e. the 5th-and
9th signs) whichever has the maximum strength, will correspond
to the Janma Rasi, or the sign occupied by the Moon in the
natal chart. This is the view of Yavanacarya to know natal
Moon’s placement.
Kalyana Varma too gives the same opinion. The strongest of the three among Prasna Lagna, 5th or 9th thereof will indicate the natal Moon. It can also be guessed by the sign typified by the part of the body the querist touches. For example, if he touches his head, the natal Moon should be in Aries.
Ascertain how far the Prasna Moon is away from Prasna
Lagna. So much will be the distance of natal Moon, counted from Prasna Moon. If however, the Prasna Lagna is Pisces, then the natal Moon shall also be in Pisces (irrespective of Moon in Prasna chart). The Moon sign may also be determined by the eatables the querist may have with him or the forms that may appear on the scene, or any cry that may be heard at that time. (The first three lines of 5’24 are just repeated in 5.25).
The rising Navarnsa in Praha chart will be the ascendant that has risen at birth. Or note the total number of decanates: between the rising one and the one occupied by the Sun. So many decanates counted from the Sun will the natal ascendant be.
The opinion ofKalyanaVarma and others are also the same.
To know the natal ascendant, there is another method. The longitude of the planet in the Prasna Lagna should be multiplied by the figure (length) denoted by the Chayangulam at that time. Divide it by 12 and the remainder will represent the Lagna at birth. If the querist is going to stand at the time of question, the natal ascendant will correspond to the Lagna that is going to rise in Prasna chart. Should he have already stood, then the 10th from Prasna Lagna will be Janma Lagna and the person lying suggests the 4th from Prasna Lagna as natal ascendant. If he is sitting it is the 7th house.
Notes—Cayangula is a stick with 12” in the length or even 12” used to measure time in olden days. This is placed straight on the earth when there is Sunlight. And the shadow is measured in Angula i.e. inches.
Since there is repetition of the verses from various authorities meaning the same thing, we have just given only the required translation.
The figures for multiplication for Taurus and Leo are 10, for Aries and Libra 7, for Virgo and Capricorn 15 and for the remaining signs the respective number of the order indicated when counted from Aries. That is Cancer 4, Sagittarius 9, Aquarius II and Pisces 12. These multiplication factors apply to the above signs when these are Prasna Lagnas. Such factors of multiplication for Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are 10, 8, 7 and 5. For other planets also 5 applies. If there are more planets in Prasna Lagna, each planet should be indivi-dually multiplied.
Notes—The above is exemplified as under. Suppose
the Pra~na Lagna is cancer 10 degrees with Mars in it at 15 deg-rees along with Saturn at 17 degrees. The multiplication is to be done as under :
3” 10° by 4 (Hgure for Cancer)
3» 15° by 8 (figure for Mars)
3» 17° by 5 (figure for saturn)
Thus the result is as under :
Ascendant product == 13s 10°
Mars product == 28” 00°
Saturn product == 17» 25°
59« 05°
Expunge multiples of 12 aadthe answer is ll» 05°. The
usage of this product is explained in the following verses. Con-
vert the product into seconds of arc,
Verses 38 and 39 are the views of Kalyana Varma which are the same as above.
The product converted into kala (seconds of arc) as per the-
earlier verses should be multiplied by 7, Add 9 if the Prasna-
Lagna is in the first decanate (according to Varaha-Mihira mova-
Wo ciorn1 anf\ no reduction should be made when it is in the
second decanate (according to Varaha Mihira it is a fixed sign)’ Deduct 9 if the 3rd decanate ascends (according to Varaha Mihira it is a common sign). The figure thus obtained should be divided by 27 and the remainder will represent the birth star.
If the remainder is I, the star is A§vini,ior example ylrullirr
calculations should be made in regard to stars of birth from the
7th, 3rd, 5th and6thforwife,brother,son,enemy’etc.asper
In verses 45 and 46, the method to obtain the birth star oF
the querist’s wife, son, friend and enemy is laid down. Add
reispectively 6 signs from Prisna Lagna for wife (i.e. the 7tb
from Prasna Lagna), 4 signs for son, i.e. the 5th sign, for friend 3 signs (i.e. the 4th sign) and for enemy add 5 signs (i.e. the 6th Sign from Prasna Lagna). Apply the same process as done for the querist, i.e. the multiplication factors for Rasi and Planets are the same. Here again if there are more planets in that parti-cular house, same rule applies as for Prasna Lagna.
The meaning of this verse is explained in the part relating
to verses 43 to 46,
There is another method to find out the birth star of the
querist. Ascertain the Matras in the name of the querist. Add
these together and multiply by 2. To this figure add the chaya.-
ngula (as explained earlier) and divide by 27. The remainder
will represent the natal star counted from Dhanirtha-
The matras of a letter (aksara) should be considered as full if it has the Vowel, and half if it be without Vowel. The Matras. are explained in chapter 3.
~~ ~T: ~rTr;atn~T ;1~3mq;m~ (T~:) I
Birth star of the querist can also be decided with the aid of the direction which the querist faces. The figures for the eight directions are 2, 3, 14, 10, 15, 21, 9 and 8 respectively for East, South east, South, South West, West, North West. North and North east. Note which direction the querist faces. The con-cerned figure given above should be multiplied by 15 and to this product should be added an equal number denoted by the number of persons in the said direction, opposite the querist. Divide that product by 27 and the remainder will represent the birth star counted from Dhanistha.
An example to the above is given below. Suppose the person is facing East and there are 4 persons in that direction. The figure for East is 2. Multiplied by 15, it becomes 30, when added 4 (for the number of people facing), the product is 34. Divided by 27, there remains 7, The seventh star from Dhanistha is Bharani which is the birth star of the querist.
(In olden days, the astrologer used to sit in open places, under trees etc. and the people moving were very common. These days, consultations take place in private buildings in most cases.
So there may or may not be the need to apply the figure
denoted by the number of persons in the particular direction.)
The product of Kalas (i.e. the minutes of arc)arrivedat
verses 37-42 should be multiplied by 10 and to this 9 should be
added. This should be divided by 120, and the remainder repre-
sents the longevity of the querist. The earlier figure when multi-
plied by 10 should be divided by 6 (as there are 6 Rtus) and
the remainder gives the Rtu at birth, counted from Sisira. Should
remainder be odd, the birth is in the first month and event
figure indicates second month of the season,
The product as per the process of verse 37, without applying
other rules explained later on, may be used as un~er to ascertain Rtu.Paksa, Tithi, Janma Ghatika (i.e. Lagna and Am~aat birth):
The product obtained through the process of verse 37 should
be separately multiplied by 10, 8, 7 and 5. We get 4 groups
of figures. To each group, the process of adding 9 in case of a
Movable Prasna Lagna, leaving it in case of a fixed Prasna Lagna
and subtracting 9 in case of Common Prasna lagna should be
4one. The result for individual process of 10, 8, 7 and 5 should
be converted into minutes of arc, thus obtaining 4 different
). results. The result got by 10 group will indicate the birth year,
season, month etc. From the 8 group, the Paksa, tithi etc. can
be understood. The third group i. e. 7 group will indicate Janma
Naksatra and day/night birth. The last group, i. e. 5 group
will give Janma ghatikas, with the help of which Lagna and
Navarilsa at birth can be determined. Since the rules for
Naksatra, Lagna, Paksa, ~.tu, Masa etc. are fully explained
earlier, the same are not given here. With those tips, the same
· can easily be worked out.
The adding of 9, not adding or subtracting of 9 should be °°~ according to movable, fixed or common signs. The resul-»”t figure should be divided by 2. If the remainder is one, the
hirth is in dav. otherwise in night.
Suppose the product or Pinda is 1032500. This yields.
‘72,27,500 when multiplied by 7. Assume the PraSna Lagna as
movable and add 9 and diving by 2. The remainder is one. The
birth of the querist should be in day time.
To know whether it is a day birth or night birth and thft
Naksatra the product should be multiplied by 7.
The product as obtained earlier should be multiplied by 5.
This should be divided by the total duration of day “(if it is day birth) or by the total duration,of night (in case of night birth). The remainder will indicate the ghafis passed from day or night as the case may be with the help of this figure, the birth time, Hora, Lagna and NavBrhBa should be known.
Thus ends the first Chapter of Nasta Jataka of Mukunda Daivajfla based on the works of Varaha Mihira and those of others.
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